ISO 27005 Information Security Risk

ISO 27005 Information Security Risk

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there might not be a specific “ISO 27005 Information Security Risk Management Manager” course. However, I can provide you with a general overview of ISO 27005 and the potential benefits of a course related to information security risk management. It’s worth noting that course titles and offerings may change, so you may want to check with accredited training providers for the most up-to-date information.


ISO/IEC 27005 is a standard that provides guidelines for information security risk management. It complements ISO/IEC 27001, which specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS). ISO 27005 provides a systematic and comprehensive approach to managing information security risks within the context of the organization’s overall risk management processes.


Enhanced Risk Management Competence

Develop a deep understanding of information security risk management principles and practices.

ISO 27001 Alignment

Learn how to align risk management processes with ISO 27001 requirements, contributing to the overall effectiveness of an ISMS.

Improved Decision-Making

Gain skills to make informed decisions based on risk assessments, helping prioritize resources and efforts.

Compliance with Best Practices

Understand and apply internationally recognized best practices for information security risk management.

Organizational Resilience

Strengthen the organization's ability to identify, assess, and manage information security risks, contributing to overall resilience.

Professional Recognition

Certification in information security risk management may enhance professional recognition and credibility.

Risk-Based Thinking

Develop a risk-based thinking approach that can be applied across various business processes.

Practical Application

Acquire practical skills for implementing risk management processes within the organization.

Cybersecurity Preparedness

Contribute to the organization's cybersecurity preparedness by systematically addressing and managing risks.

Continuous Improvement

Establish a framework for continuous improvement in information security risk management practices.

How to complete the ISO certification

  • Register online or send the Email: info@tuvmea.com
  • Get the registration confirmation through email.
  • Registration, Training and Assessment/ Exam is carried out.
  • ISO Lead Auditor certificate is issued on the basis of result of assessment/ exam.
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