ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, ISO 26000 is a standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that provides guidance on social responsibility. It is not a certification standard, and organizations cannot be certified to ISO 26000. However, individuals can pursue training and certification as ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Lead Auditors.


Enhanced Professional Credibility

Individuals who complete the ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Lead Auditor training gain recognition for their expertise in social responsibility auditing. This can enhance their professional credibility.

Contribution to Sustainable Practices

Lead Auditors play a crucial role in helping organizations understand and implement socially responsible practices. This can contribute to sustainable and ethical business operations.

Organizational Compliance

Trained auditors can assist organizations in aligning their practices with the principles of ISO 26000, promoting social responsibility throughout the supply chain.

Risk Management

Auditors can help identify and mitigate risks related to social responsibility, including potential legal, financial, and reputational risks.

Stakeholder Confidence

Organizations that demonstrate a commitment to social responsibility through ISO 26000 principles may enhance stakeholder confidence and trust.

Competitive Advantage

Certification or recognition of individuals with ISO 26000 lead auditor qualifications may provide a competitive advantage in industries where social responsibility is a significant factor.

Continuous Improvement

The auditing process encourages organizations to continually assess and improve their social responsibility practices.

How to complete the ISO certification

  • Register online or send the Email: info@tuvmea.com
  • Get the registration confirmation through email.
  • Registration, Training and Assessment/ Exam is carried out.
  • ISO Lead Auditor certificate is issued on the basis of result of assessment/ exam.
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