ISO 45001 OHSMS Lead Auditor Course

ISO 45001 OHSMS Lead Auditor Course

ISO 45001:2018 is an international standard that specifies the requirements for an occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS). It provides a framework for organizations to manage and improve their occupational health and safety performance, reduce workplace risks, and create a safer working environment. The ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Course is designed to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills required to conduct effective occupational health and safety management system audits.


Professional Development

Enhances the skills and competencies of individuals involved in occupational health and safety management.

Understanding ISO 45001

Provides a comprehensive understanding of the ISO 45001 standard and its application in different organizational contexts.

Audit Competence

Equips individuals with the knowledge and practical skills required to plan, conduct, and report on OHSMS audits.

Career Opportunities

Increases career opportunities for individuals seeking roles in occupational health and safety management and auditing.

Organizational Compliance

Helps organizations ensure compliance with ISO 45001 standards and regulatory requirements.

Improved OHSMS Performance

Facilitates the improvement of occupational health and safety performance within an organization.

Risk Management

Enhances the ability to identify and manage risks related to occupational health and safety.

Global Recognition

The ISO 45001 Lead Auditor certification is globally recognized, adding credibility to individuals and organizations.

Continuous Improvement

Encourages a culture of continuous improvement in occupational health and safety practices.

Client and Stakeholder Confidence

Demonstrates an organization's commitment to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment, fostering confidence among clients, stakeholders, and employees.

How to complete the ISO certification

  • Register online or send the Email: info@tuvmea.com
  • Get the registration confirmation through email.
  • Registration, Training and Assessment/ Exam is carried out.
  • ISO Lead Auditor certificate is issued on the basis of result of assessment/ exam.
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